With C we had structures and unions. I like them, because, I don't always need to embed behaviors with data(class). So you'll do something like With Java, I'm forced to use classes, because that's how java is structured. They are purely object oriented. (eg: in C++) In python, you can take java's approach; but since Python is not Java ;-) and we tend to write less, We'll use dictionaries (or hashes in Perl) I'm a newbie to earlang (and to functional programming), I think there's no dictionaries, but tuples. Here's how we use tuples to achieve same (also applicable to python) much like json, isn't it? notice, there are no quotes around someone, that's an atom (this is erlang dude). This in python: Well, how do we understand what's what? hmm, ok, we can tag them with atoms, (this is a programming practice in erlang world) so our earlier example becomes, That's it. You can do this with python too, like...
To share bits of knowledge, experiences, lessons & fun stuff from my life.