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Start on Microchip programming... for hobby or for money

One of my friend asked me today the following question, 
I'm often asked about this, someway or other.
Let me answer this now for all....

Q: "I want to start programming on chip.. Can you suggest a good chip and a device to program it? Also tell me any sites which can help me."

A:"Simple one is Arduino. You will get it packaged with a programmer.
If you want some more powerful and commercial one, Go for Microchip's PIC family of processors. After you are familiar with those, and need even more power, try AVR from ATMEL."

Some resources from my Bookmarks is given below:
My bookmarks become so messy now a days, and I'm not getting time to organize them.
So, these are the quickest ones that I picked up from it. I'll let you know, if I found some others.
My old Book mark is here at
you may find it useful."
