We all are hearing the buzz about Rich Internet Applications (RIA) about a year or so. But, what the heck is that beast ? You may ask. For the user's perspective, it's the desktop like experience delivered over web. Yes, you feel like you are using a real desktop application (well, at least sort of). The richness of desktop controls is transferred to web. How RIA is build? Arise another question. These all started with that amazing kid called AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML). Then more and more tools become available, like Java FX , Adobe Air , Adobe Flex (and Adobe Flash ), Microsoft Silverlight . But these tools, though it gives rapid and organized web application development, required some kind of plug-ins to be installed on your browser. There is the importance of AJAX based RIAs, because JavaScript is enabled in almost all browsers in use today. However, It's not a fool proof solution, because there are people who switch off JavaScript for some reason, lik...
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