PS: This post is written assuming you're familiar with Django and at-least have some basic experience trying to set-up a Django project (for learning or for some cool project). Purpose: To show how to properly set-up your Django1.4 project after seeing other developers getting it wrong (seen it wrongly structured by my mentee, senior developers and junior developers at my firm.). Django 1.3 Project structure: Initial structure followed by two apps added to the project. Refer above picture, where I shown a Django < 1.4 project structure. (I know, at least Django 1.2 & 1.3 follows this structure). First tree view is of the initial structure that you will get by calling $ django-admin startproject Proj Take a note that,, are in the main folder. Following tree display is after creating two apps named app1 & app2. You'll do it as follows $ ./ startapp app1 $ ./ start...
To share bits of knowledge, experiences, lessons & fun stuff from my life.