This article is obtained from You need to know the reasans to shift to linux or any other open source Operating systems,Aren't you? Read the following.... comment your thoughts. :-) In a bid to throttle organized piracy and in retaliation to drop in revenues (or rather, failure in achieving targeted sales) from software sales in Kerala, Microsoft Corporation launched aggressive anti-piracy raids in computer assembling stores in Trivandrum, Kollam and Thrissur districts in Kerala. This we think is a right time for those of you who are worried about using pirated software to shell out large chunks of money to buy licensed software or better SWITCH TO UBUNTU :). At least in Trivandrum the raids were conducted in not-so prominent stores to not really irritate the major players but at the same time give a good warning to everybody in the market. The raids were no joke either. Microsoft officials were accompanied by local police during their Anti-piracy raid. Case...
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